Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Letter no. 6

Crazy Baby, Lonely Blog.

Dear Anne,

I apologize for my long delay in responding. My writing and accomplishments have been somewhat stifled by a daily battle with an almost-one-year-old, who happily sets about destroying my house from 5:00am onward. 

The Jane Austen Tea was lovely as always. I have yet to receive the photos from Katina, the photographer. Perhaps this gentle nudge will remind her. 

I agree that Anne Elliot is the loneliest of Austen's main characters. I'd like to disagree for the sake of a conversation, but so it is. Though Marianne of S&S was more overtly broken-hearted and tortured, her friends and family were principally concerned for her well-being, when she felt most lonely.  Conversely, Anne was almost entirely ignored for the better part of a decade, and even her friend Mrs. Russle largely disregarded her feelings regarding the Captain. 

The book chosen for next year is Emma. It was my least favourite book until recently. I hadn't read it since I was about Emma's age, and at the time I couldn't forgive her insolence and immaturity;  but like many things, upon reviewing it after doing some maturing of my own, my feelings are quite the opposite. I find her exceedingly charming now. I am truly looking forward to next year's event! 

Alas! Wee Angus has stirred from his nap, and is now attempting to scale the bars of his crib. I must be off!


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