Monday 25 February 2013

Pemberly Spencer

A dear friend recently gifted me a bag of wool roving, of no mean size. Included were three rolls - light grey-brown, dark grey-brown, and the third, not so attractive, distantly familiar shade. I couldn't quite find the memory. I had been saving this roving until my spinning skills improved, as it is far too lovely to waste on amateur work. I was eager to do some spinning today, so I opted for spinning the not-so-attractive colour.

Then it struck me. Elizabeth at Pemberly.

For years, I was tormented by the scene in the 1995 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, where Lizzy tours Pemberly, under the assumption that Darcy is away. When they discover one another - him all wet, and her all humiliated - an intense romantic tension builds. A tension only amplified by the anxiety inflicted by Lizzy's ugly spencer jacket and bonnet. There I have said it! I thought they were ugly - such an awful colour scheme! I hate to speak ill of my dearest Elizabeth, but there it is.

I speak in the past tense regarding my dislike, not because my grammar is poor, but because I quite like the outfit now. Evidently my tastes have refined over the years. And I have developed an appreciation for bonnets. I am determined to spin this odd coloured, lovely roving into yarn that honours the outfit I have cursed for over a decade. I make no promises, but perhaps it is destined for a spencer jacket. 

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